
Tribal(s)is a catch all term used by the inhabitants ofThe Wastelandto describe groups of loosely organized and seemingly primitive groups of people who share a common bond that connects said people together for mutual defense and survival. While one would be forgiven for assuming this term is strictly used for various native peoples who returned to their older traditions after the bombs fell, this is an incorrect assessment as the majority of tribal factions are made up from various ethnic backgrounds and have even more numerous traditio ns and beliefs.
A few have theorized that this mass influx of new shamanistic cultures are the result of very young human survivors banding together and creating their own ethos and customs to make sense of the world around them. There are others who find this idea to be utterly absurd, believing the age for such unfounded spiritualism to require the founders of these tribes to have been mere babes at their start and makes the very concept unrealistic. Regardless it is clear that these scattered factions only exist due to the absolute shattering of the old world and it's civilizations. Much like any other group in The Wasteland, Tribes can be as small as an extended family to massive confederations rivaling small city states.
Tribals are often treated poorly by others as they are seen as "lesser" due to their general lack of understanding of Old World tech and their various superstitions. This however is often used by to their advantage, and many a settlement has been razed to the ground thinking they were too superior to be threatened by what they viewed as filthy savages. The shrewd waster would do well to remember this.