The Wasteland

Long, long ago the world was a (mostly) clean and vibrant place, full of life and the technological wonders of man. Food was plentiful, potable water was a valve turn away and for most people life was easy. At some point (the exact dates and reasons vary depending on who you ask) this all catastrophically changed. The Earth was ravaged by thermonuclear, chemical and biological war. Seemingly overnight, the world was cleansed of nearly all life. The oceans boiled, the sky was poisoned, and mankind was nearly snuffed out of existence. Radiation and horrific chemicals scoured the land, twisting and mutating all that it touched. It was very nearly the end of everything, yet somehow through seemingly dumb luck Man has survived. As the years went by, we managed to claw our way back from the brink of extinction, but the Earth itself is still terribly scarred from the sins of our forefathers. The brutalized world we now inhabit is almost universally referred to as"The Wasteland".While it would be inaccurate to assume the entirety of the world is a barren, rad infested hell hole (there are still plenty of places covered in greenery and wildlife) the mass majority of it is extremely hostile to organic life. Radiation, chem storms, anomalies and mutants are still very common threats across the majority of Earth's surface and survival is a grueling day to day struggle. There are numerous pockets of civilization out there, but in the chaotic world we live in it's not always assured that even these strongholds of humanity will survive. Either from forces without that seek it's destruction, or from malcontents within that wish to usurp power from the ruling class. In most places with a sizeable human population, the strong dominate the weak and life for those under the boot of their "superiors" is nigh unbearable. But even despite this, you'll find most people would rather live life as chattel then try their luck in the untamed areas of The Wasteland, where they would have to contend with raiders, outlaws, rads, anomalies, mutants and dangers untold. Some brave folk however would rather take their chances, either scavenging the bones of the Old World, setting up traveling merchant caravans, or founding their own villages and homesteads, free of the often authoritarian yoke of the larger settlements. Some even decide to go it alone, although it should be noted that such endeavors usually end in horridly violent and gruesome ends. The Wasteland is a cruel and unforgiving place, and it should be approached as such. Those who do not respect it's dangers often fall afoul of it, and it would be unwise of anyone no matter how well equipped or experienced to ignore it's many, many threats. In this author's opinion it would be extremely prudent of any Wasteland inhabitant reading this article, to assume that anything and everything found in this broken world is out to kill them and to treat it as such. Many a brave/foolish traveler has met their untimely end thinking they were too smart or skilled to be entrapped by the dangers found in this place we call"The Wasteland".Please do not be one of them.