WPG British Clasp Knife Review
Recently I picked up this nifty little knife from What Price Glory's official eBay and it's such a neat tool I figured I'd share it with you. Now if you are a WWI - WWII history buff you'll likely know more about it than I ever could but this great little jack knife was issued to the UK's armed forces in both wars and beyond. While materials might have changed due to war time needs, and some did not come with the marlin spike they were more unless very similar throughout the decades.
The one I purchased is a modern reproduction, but retains all the things that make this a useful tool. It comes with aggressively checkered plastic scales, a sheepsfoot blade, a can/bottle opener combo, a marlin spike, a flat head screwdriver built into the handle and a nice little loop for a lanyard. The blade, opener and spike use the traditional slipjoint design, but they all lock well without being hard to open. It's a shame it's just stainless but for the price it's to be expected. It does say Made in China on the blade, but it's not engraved and will likely come off with rubbing alcohol and elbow grease. On the can opener it has the war time insignia /|\, WPG (What Price Glory) and the year 1939 as a faux manufacturers marker. I admit that I had a bit of trouble figuring out the can opener as it's not a style I am used to but it works pretty well. There are also reproduction hemp lanyards out there that loop around the waist or over a shoulder, but I had plenty of jute twine lying around so I twisted one together, getting my first use of the attached marlin spike in the process! My design allows me to loop it around my belt or a pants loop and rest in my pocket like an old school pocket watch, but is long enough that I can use it without removing it from my belt. All and all, well worth the $20 I spent to get it. US customers can find it here and our friends in the UK can find it here (although they can find real ones much easier.)