How to make a Braided Sling

This post was long in coming and while I did originally intend to post photos of my own sling making process, life did that annoying thing it does and got in the way. Not to mention it's very difficult to teach someone how to braid via photos when all of the twine is the same color. So instead I opted to dig out the original tutorial I used to learn instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. I figure this will help to preserve it as well, so it isn't lost to the inexorable march of time (and terrible internet design).

Also, when it comes to lengths of twine, I never measure. Instead I pull out my own arms span, finger tips to finger tips, 3 times for each piece. It's far easier than trying to measure out 6 ultra long pieces of twine. Also if you use especially thick twine, such as sisal or 4 ply jute twine, it is better to just use 3 pieces instead of 6. Otherwise your sling will be more like a belt. I do intend to post my sling photos for everyone with more indepth detail but I really wanted to get something out for everyone to get started. You can find lots more stuff here. Happy slinging!