In Remembrance of P.A. Luty

While at the time of writing, it isn't even close to the birth or death day of this great man, but I feel it is exceedingly important to mark Philip Andrew Luty's accomplishments in the world especially since his website "The Home Gunsmith" has recently been taken down. Born October 19, 1964 in Leeds England, and raised on a farm in West Yorkshire, this absolute legend would literally put his life on the line in protest of the United Kingdoms draconian weapons laws.
Mr. Luty not only developed, built and tested a functional sub machine gun without any formal training, but wrote the entire process down along with various ways to manufacture ammunition at home without specialized equipment so that the common man might be able to arm himself despite any immoral law passed by his fellow man. While his design was not the most polished nor the most efficient, it had the advantage of being readily built from easily acquired parts and by anyone willing to put the work in. He was sadly arrested and charged for illegally manufacturing firearms in 1998, and served four years in prison. In 2009 his home was raided and he was wrongfully tried under the Terrorism Act of 2000 due to his designs and manuscripts. He was accused of keeping records that someone could replicate to aid in a terrorist attack and for having pipe fittings that could be used in the manufacture of a firearm.

To be fair I get their point, but fuck tyrants
Philip A. Luty sadly died in prison on April 8th, 2011 due to complications brought about by cancer, but in my humble opinion Mr. Luty was allowed to die due to the fact the British government didn't want to put up with him anymore. A man with a love for freedom more than safety sacrificed his life merely to prove the point that the banning of firearms is completely pointless and counterproductive. A creator of multiple firearm types and the author of several books, he had the pdfs posted freely on his website until it was taken down sometime in 2024, which is why I am making this short post.I know building a jagged edged, in the raw, sheet metal smg from pipes is ludicrous in the day of 3D printers but Luty did phenomenal work considering his limitations and we do ourselves a disservice by not at the very least looking at his work and saluting the sacrifice he made for everyone around the world who lives under the immoral boot of arms control. Sure bad people have used Luty's design but how is that any different than using a stolen gun, a kitchen knife or a car to hurt and kill people? It isn't, and if the poor souls in those situations all had a Luty SMG on them under their jacket I can assure you the death toll would've been far, FAR lower.
Here are a few of Mr. Luty's pdfs that I was able to scrounge for you, I am not liable for any damage or harm that might come to you or others if you use this information irresponsibly. Stay safe out there.
Expedient Homemade Firearms - The 9mm Submachine Gun
Expedient Homemade Firearms - The 9mm BSP Machine Gun
Expedient Homemade Handgun Ammo - P. A. Luty
Expedient Homemade Shotgun Ammo - P. A. Luty